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Google adsense money making webpages. Ready to use.
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google adsense make money start kit
+0 / -0 (0)

Apr 19, 2009

Start making a quite alot of money with this start kit. I make somewhere around 50-100 USD on each domain I have these pages on. All in all, there's 25000+ adsense blocks on around 15000 different html pages. All in this package.

All you have to do is change the "change-adsense" text to your code and then upload it to your server space and you're good to go. A good thing is also to promote your site a bit n the search engines and various forums.

Read about it att in the readme file included in the zip file.



hi, so can i upload any of these sites without altering them, beyond the adsense code that is?

I would appreciate an answer :-)
I've uploaded all to one domain, but I earned just 2-3$/day..What could be the problem?? HELP me please!
Can you tell me which one is the main page, that puts all the websites together?

Because, I am having a hard time locating it.
ok so do i have to have an actual web page of my own for this? (just learning bout adsense so be easy) :)

oh and if so, would it matter if i had a or
hey imsharing, what you need is a domain (, some hosting (i like and an adsense account. The what you do is change you adsense code in note pad and upload them to your server (aka hosting)

Then go check out and for some free tips on promoting you website. Tip: dont buy the gurus guides

Glad to help an up and coming Internet Marketer
thank's dude... :D
@ Muppen123 I have a question. if you change your adsense code u can get cut off, and I did try to pasted the whole code but it doenst work.. can some one help me with that pls
Web hosting services are as varied as the websites you view on the
Internet. Some are geared for larger, corporate sites, while others
cater to the little guy and offer more affordable services so that
everyone can have a voice. The kind of hosting you need is something
only you know.

For myself, I found middle-of-the-road web hosting to be my best
option. Website hosting services have a large variety of different
things to offer, including varying amounts of email accounts with your
account, different storage amounts, and varying traffic offerings. If
you’re not sure which website hosting services are the best, I advise
you to think about what kind of website yours will be in the

If you’re building a small site, go for a small hosting package, but
make sure that it can grow with you. Your traffic will increase as you
add more content, so you need to be able to upgrade your small hosting
package to suit your needs.

Bandwidth is only one thing you need to consider. Storage space is
another consideration. If you’re going to have a lot of audio and
video files, you’ll need the storage space to hold them all. Go with a
web hosting company that has what you need, but once again make sure
that their hosting packages are upgradeable and able to grow as you
grow. If you do these things, you’ll save money because you’ll never
spend for resources you don’t need, but you can purchase them
What I found better is you can register a domain and webhosting at same time on and use ftp or ssh to upload files quickly, I tried godaddy and hostgator, sunsaturn is alot faster/better.